In Everything Has a Voice/ Tune-In

Everything Is a Voice in Our Universe!

By Diana Domingo, MA, CYT

“Everything in our world, our universe, is made up of vibration and frequency, whether audible or inaudible: Everything operates on Relationship and Resonance. Everything has a Rhythm and Sound – a Voice to share!” Diana Domingo

The realization that the world was created by the Voice washed over me one day. The entire world from the simple to the highly complex has been built on someone being able to voice an idea in some way – spoken language, written word, sign language, a story or song – and inspire the support around the idea. I began to see that in every room we enter, when we get in a car to drive, when we walk in the forest or swim in a river and when we eat, work and play, we are accompanied by tens of thousands, if not millions, of Voices along with an accompaniment of a sonic symphony – some audible, some inaudible – some internal, some external.

The animals, plants and earth have a voice; Our memories have a voice; The industrial landscape has a voice; Our art has a voice; Our thoughts have a Voice; God, spirit and angels have a voice; and Our bodies have a voice. I even began to see everyone as a “Voice” walking upon this earth in relationship with other voices – parented by these voices, taught by, sometimes hurt and often loved by these voices.

When we speak, move, create, we actually produce many detectable Notes and these Notes are being generated all around us, from the motor of a car to the purr of a kitten. From the click of a shoe to the rushing of a river…. (See Universal Notes Video Below).

What are the implications of this? There is a tremendous amount to be gained. If we begin to see the universe itself as frequency and vibration, and that we are in a “Deep Musical and Sonic Relationship” with the world around us, we can begin to connect with our “True Voice” – the one that is simply a direct channel to our intuition and creative nature. It is the one pouring into us – pure consciousness – singing us into being. As we are able to tune-in to it both internally and externally, we are able to use it at will in our daily experiences, as well as in transformative ways to shape, reshape and revolutionize our lives.

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